SFX Hire Equipment for Film and TV
Based in Sydney, Australia, and founded by industry specialists, Texas Productions supplies SFX equipment, to the professional film industry.
ATTENTION (as of OCT 16th 2024)
Texas Productions Hire Department has now found a new home. (we are retiring). Nothing has changed gear wise, in fact your selection will be greater. The hire department has now moved to DIYFXHIRE at the Canal Road Film Centre, Leichhardt. Contact David Threthewey directly by email: diyfxhire@gmail.com or MBL: 0480 752 625
Our supply of Greenscreens, Bluescreens and ChromaKey screens, and all support equipment - frames, paint, tapes, card, suits, hoods, gloves is now being operated by Monaco Screens / JT Grip Services.
Contact Daisy Bray 0414 691 384 or Jason Trew 0417 676 135 for all Blue and Greenscreen related hires.

02 8925 7000



Get in Touch
Texas Productions Hire Department has now found a new home. (we are retiring). Nothing has changed gear wise, in fact your selection will be greater. The hire department has now moved to DIYFXHIRE at the Canal Road Film Centre, Leichhardt.
Contact David Thretheway directly by email: diyfxhire@gmail.com or MBL: 0480 752 625
To contact Paul or Karen at Texas: whoever@texasproductions.com.au or (02) 8925 7000